Helping Your Personal Injury Attorney in Charleston SC Prepare Your Case

by | Mar 10, 2022 | Attorneys


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Following an accident, individuals often turn to a Personal Injury Attorney in Charleston SC for assistance. Doing so doesn’t mean the person filing the claim is off the hook, however. The more information the attorney has, the easier it will be for him or her to prepare a solid case, one that adequately proves the claim and the extent of the injuries. What should a person bring to their personal injury consultation to help the lawyer in this endeavor?

Create a written timeline of the event that led to the injuries, as this timeline can be referred to at various points of the process. It can be difficult to remember details as time passes, and the lawyer uses this information when determining fault, as more than one party may be held responsible. Any photos or medical bills that validate the information in the timeline should also be shared during the consultation, and contact information for witnesses needs to be presented to the attorney also.

Any correspondence that relates to the case needs to be brought to the attention of the attorney. This may be from the insurance company or attorney representing the other driver or it may be from another party completely. The attorney then uses this information to determine who has been spoken to and what has been said, and this makes his or her job easier. They won’t be surprised at a later date by information that a person forgot to share or pass on.

Be sure to have a list of questions to ask the Personal Injury Attorney in Charleston SC. Learn more about him or her with these questions and determine if this firm is the right fit. In addition, ask about things such as how often they go to trial and how often they settle out of court and what types of accidents they typically handle. The more information that can be obtained during the consultation, the easier it is to find an attorney to handle the case. Visit Phipps Law Firm – Personal Injury Lawyers for more information on personal injury cases and how to be of help in building this type of case. It’s a great resource for anyone in this situation.

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