What a Family Law Attorney in Naperville Can Do

by | Aug 16, 2016 | Lawyers


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Family Law: Definition

Family law is comprised of statutes and case precedents involving the legal responsibilities between individuals related by blood or marriage. These cover family-based legal issues that typically result from terminating a marriage or romantic relationship.

Family Law Attorneys

These lawyers specialize in family law and typically help you resolve the following:

  • Divorce
  • Alimony
  • Child support
  • Custody
  • Asset division
  • Debt division
  • Termination of parental rights
  • Adoption
  • Paternity
  • Protection from abuse

How They Help

Legal Assistance

A Naperville Family Law Attorney can help you file for a case, says The Fitzgerald Law Firm. Your lawyer can also help you fight against that child custody case or advise you what to do about your child support case. Do you have extensive conjugal assets? Your lawyer can help you distribute properties in a high net worth divorce.


Cases often involve a ton of paperwork. Having a lawyer can help you get through the legal maze without any mistakes that could result in delays or hurt your chances of winning the case.

Your Rights

If you want to make sure that your visitation rights are honored or wish to make adjustments to visitation terms and conditions, your lawyer can make that happen for you.

Less Stress

Family law issues usually involve a lot of stress. By hiring a lawyer, you have the assistance you need to stay on top of the legal details, monitor your progress, as well as comply with paperwork requirements with less time, effort, and stress. Your lawyer can offer invaluable support every step of the way.


Many family law cases are emotionally charged, wherein parents or spouses can’t stand to be in the same room. Lawyers can offer mediation services to make a productive and civil discussion possible.


Family law problems are legally complex. Resolve your issues with the help of a lawyer for less stress and more efficient resolutions.

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